Monday 9 February 2015


If I'm very honest with you, I didn't know how to cook properly until last year. Pretty embarrassing I know. Growing up, I never really spent time cooking or baking- I would actually dedicate that time to watching children's cooking programmes. As a young adult who is trying to improve her culinary skills. I thought it would be interesting to have a look at the differences between 'children's cooking' and 'adult's cooking'. I may be focusing a bit more on baking since as I personally enjoy that more. 

Over the next few weeks I will be:

- Looking at recipe books aimed at both children and adults, focusing specifically on the layout, language and forms of each. 

- Looking at the differences between children and adult cooking programmes.

- Finally, I will be making some of the recipes from the recipe books myself *fingers crossed it won't be too hard* and possibly have a younger cook doing the same (to be honest, I think their result will be better).

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