Thursday 26 March 2015

Can I Bake? #1

As I said in my first entry, I will be attempting to make two recipes- one from each of the recipe books I looked at. I started with 'The Beautiful Baking Book'. Unfortunately, the young baker I had in mind was busy so I asked two of my 20 year old friends to help.

Mix the butter and sugars:

 Add egg and egg yolk: 

 Stir in flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt:

Until it becomes a dough 

Grease the tray....... 

For some reason I listened to my friend and used butter to grease the tray... (Let's just pretend this is an example of what NOT to do!) 

We also had a bit of trouble making ice cream shaped cookies as the dough was a weird moist texture - so we made our own 'childlike' designs.

....Then something went wrong.

 The cookies spread out just a t i n y bit... They were also stuck to the tray. BUT from what we could unstick... It tasted like burnt sweet cookies. 


We put the rest of the mixture into the cake tin and made a cookie-cake. It actually tasted a lot better surprise surprise

Honestly, I struggled a bit with this recipe- I felt some of the directions were quite vague: "roughly shape into ice cream cone shapes". Three 20/21 year olds could not do that, so I wonder if the younger bakers can.


  1. I would love to try something like this. This post is very informative with all the pictures you have used at each stage of your cooking.

  2. Thank you, Danielle! I genuinely thought it'd be easier but it wasn't haha x
